Published or accepted for publication
Iwasawa theory for branched Zp-towers of finite graphs. (With Rusiru Gambheera.) Documenta Mathematica, 29 (2024), no. 6, 1435–1468. Preprint
Spanning trees in Z-covers of a finite graph and Mahler measures. (With Riccardo Pengo.) Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 118 (2025), no.1, 108-144. Preprint
Elliptic curves over finite fields and Ramanujan graphs on two vertices. Integers, 24 (2024), Paper No. A8. Preprint
An analogue of Kida's formula in graph theory. (With Anwesh Ray.) To appear in Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly. Preprint
On the distribution of Iwasawa invariants associated with multigraphs. (With Cédric Dion, Antonio Lei and Anwesh Ray.) Nagoya Mathematic Journal, 253 (2024), 48-90. Preprint
On (Zl)d-towers of graphs. (With Sage DuBose.) Algebraic Combinatorics, 6 (2023), 5, 1331-1346. Preprint
The non-l-part of the number of spanning trees in abelian l-towers of multigraphs. (With Antonio Lei.) Research in Number Theory, 9 (2023), 1, Paper no. 18. Preprint
On abelian l-towers of multigraphs III. (With Kevin McGown.) Annales Mathématiques du Québec, 48 (2024), 1, 1-19. Preprint
On abelian l-towers of multigraphs II. (With Kevin McGown.) Annales Mathématiques du Québec, 47 (2023), 2, 461-473. Preprint
On abelian l-towers of multigraphs. Annales Mathématiques du Québec, 45 (2021), 2, 433-452. Preprint
The special value u=1 of Artin-Ihara L-functions. (With Kyle Hammer, Thomas W. Mattman and Jonathan W. Sands.) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152 (2024), 2, 501-514. Preprint
Numerical evidence for higher order Stark-type conjectures. (With Kevin McGown and Jonathan Sands.) Mathematics of Computation, 88 (2019), 389-420. Preprint
Weyl groups of some hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras. (With Alex Feingold.) Journal of Algebra, 500 (2018), 457-497. Preprint
A remark on a result of Iwasawa on Hecke characters of type A_0. International Journal of Number Theory, 10 (2014), 8, 1939-1953. Preprint
The equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture and the extended abelian Stark conjecture. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 734 (2018), 1-58. Preprint
Theoretical evidence in support of the extended abelian rank one Stark conjecture when the base field is Q. Acta Arithmetica, 156 (2012), 4, 383-402. Preprint
On a generalization of the rank one Rubin-Stark conjecture. Journal of Number Theory, 132 (2012), 11, 2535-2567. Preprint
Connected complex abelian Lie groups and number fields. Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 24 (2012), 1, 201-229. Preprint
On a generalization of the rank one Rubin-Stark conjecture, Ph.D. thesis.
Class invariants, Master's thesis.